Select any template to create custom binder covers. Edit the text and/or add additional text. You can also add a picture. Download and/or print. Your printable binder covers will be ready in under a minute!

Select Binder Cover Template

Edit / Add Text

Add Image (Optional)

Download / Print
Binder Cover Examples
Each example has a title and a subtitle but you can add any additional text. You can also delete text if you only want only one title.
How to Make a Free Printable Binder Cover
- Open the cover maker by clicking on button above.
- Select a binder cover template. Select the template according to the design and background and not the fonts since they can be changed. You can change the text, images and colors. You can also change the font and the size.
- Edit the text so that it is relevant to your cover. For example, if you are making a recipe binder cover then you might want to type “My Recipes”. You can also personalize the title and type “Mandy’s Recipes”.
- Add additional text if required.
- Add image (optional).
- Download and/or print.
- If you want to make a back binder cover you can repeat the steps above to create another copy. If you want a blank cover then delete all text and download a blank copy. We recommend using the same design on the back and front for a consistent look but you can use different templates if you prefer.
How to edit the text?
Next to each title is a text box. Type the text that you would like to appear in the text box instead of the dummy text. You can also double click on the text and replace it.
How to change the font color?
Click on the little black box next to each line of text and select a new color. Click on select.
Are the covers free?
Yes, the covers are free.
Special Requests
If there are any covers that you would like us to add then please leave a comment below. We will do our best to add them as soon as possible.